Thursday, April 10, 2014

Adventures in Motherhood: Highs & Lows

If there is one thing I have learnt about motherhood, it is that there are good days and bad days. Sure you love your child overwhelmingly, but boy are there some days where I wish I could take a day off (or just runaway and not come back!). I think it must be an age thing, but Olivia is going through such a grumpy little phase at the moment. I keep reminding myself of my favourite parenting mantra, "This too shall pass", but things are rough and the days are feeling endless around here.

The poor little muffin has a lot going on to be fair. There a molars coming ever so slowly, growth spurts happening and naps to be dropped. It's a lot, I get it. So while we are in a low point it is always nice to remind myself of all the joy that Olivia brings into our lives....

...She is talking more and more each day, and my heart melts every time I hear her call me "Mama"....

...or when says "waa-tah" (water) / "boo-bree" (blueberry) / "wower" (shower)....

...or when I ask for a kiss and she leans into me and then says "awwww"....

...or when she is holding a captive audience with the big kids at the playground, because she loves them so much, and they are so nice to her...

Olivia really is such a sweet, smart and funny little girl. I just hope this particular funk we are in right now passes sooner rather than later! It will right?!

EDIT: Just after I finished this post it is like we turned the corner (finally) and I have my happy girl back. It's funny really, just when you think you can't take much more, it's all over and you forget why you were so frustrated in the first place!

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